Thursday, February 08, 2007

MJ Drunk

Three years ago I was just about to graduate from Arizona State University. A weird time in my life, I had no idea exactly what to do next... I still don't really know but I'm getting a lot warmer.
Three years ago I was just about to graduate from Arizona State University. A weird time in my life, I had no idea exactly what to do next... I still don't really know but I'm getting a lot warmer. Anyway, I was in a bar called "Next" in Scottsdale. I think it still exists but I'm not sure. (I'll let you know when I go back there in 2 weeks.)
I was hanging out, absolutely wasted, with a girl I was seeing at the time. (Actually the situation was more like her saying, "You are my boyfriend," and me kind of being like, "Der..uhh...ok, as long as we are hooking up, I guess this is cool.")
We were dancing and I remember dropping my bottle of Bud Light, but using my extremely excellent, athletically quick reflex skills to catch it before it shattered on the dance floor and I looked like an idiot (even more so then I already did at least).
And right after that my "girlfriend" (Don't get me wrong, she was cool. I just couldn't commit to anything on any level at that point in my life.) said, "Hey, there is Michael Jordan and pointed to the bar. I looked over and started laughing as I looked at a guy who was about 5'9" and looked like Urkel on Quaaludes. "Yeah right, that's not Michael Jordan," I said.
Then, about 30 seconds later she pointed again and said, "See I told you." I looked back and yeah, it was Michael Jordan, standing up to pay his tab. He was drinking with Kate Faber, the blonde girl who accused Kobe of rape. (Just kidding, I just made that detail up to make the story more interesting.)
The rest is kind of a blur but I think I just kind of stared and as he started to walk out I went after him, not really knowing what the hell I was doing. I got to him just as he was about to walk out the door and said something like, "Hey, Michael, I'm from Chicago (which isn't really true, I'm from Bloomington, IL). Thanks for everything! " and then I shook his hand, he laughed and said "No problem" or something like that.
Then, I am pretty sure I just stood there like an idiot realizing that I just shook hands with Michael Jordan and said the stupidest thing ever. I'm not really sure what happened after but I think I kind of just floated off to the side of the room.
I called everybody I knew back home in Illinois where it was about 4:00 AM, even my parents. I woke everybody up.
Then I took my "girlfriend" home and let's just say I was inspired (not that I wasn't before) my my bed. Enough said. It's too bad that the greatness passed on by the handshake didn't translate to something else though. Something like...oh...I don't know, my career. (Just kidding, I'm about to blow up.)
It was awesome though. I think the whole time I heard the United Center crowd in the background and Johnny Red Kerr announcing. I really came through in the clutch. I was "Mr. Clutch," which, if you don't know, is my nickname in every gym across America as I come through with game-winning shots all the time. You can look it up...uhh...on Wikipedia or something.
Anyway, that's my story. Wasn't it awesome?
The real reason I'm writing about this though is that there is absolutely nothing else going on with me right now. Trust me, I've been trying to write blogs lately but there is just nothing interesting going on. I could easily force it and come up with something but nah. I need to be inspired yo... Unless you want to pay me... Then I'll come up with something like, real quick like.
Drunk Blogger, the Michael Jordan of blogging. Yeah I said it. What?


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