Friday, May 18, 2007

Houston surgery in your lap

Yo, please check out houston lap band surgery.

You want facial surgery? You need to check out Journey Lite. It's a fast growing network. It specializes in surgical facilities, highly skilled. They also have experienced bariatric surgeons and a team of healthcare professionals who are dedicated to providing the safest and least invasive surgical weight-loss solution. And they do this with the most comprehensive support programs available today!

They also specialize in this cool thing called Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding. What is that? It is also known as LAGB, or the LAP-BAND® System procedure! Boo-yah-kah-shaw! What happens is, your surgeon inserts an inflatable adjustable gastric band through small (laparoscopic) incisions. And then, positions the badn around the upper portion of your stomach! Awesome! What does this do? creates a small stomach pouch and passageway into the lower part of the stomach! Technology! It makes you feel full and satisfied. You feel full, but you eat less. You lose weight! Lost the weight, and lose the wait! Get it! Hey-oh!

The LAGB (or the LAP-BAND procedure) offers a number of advantages over other weight-loss surgery options. It's the least invasive option. It's adjustable. If the need should arise, completely reversible, dog! And with LAP-BAND, you don't even have to cut, staple, or reroute your stomach or intestines! There is a much lower risk...and not as many serious long term complications or risks. Sweet! And it can be done in one day!

The highly skilled laparoscopic surgeons who practice there are among the most experienced in the nation! And their ridiculously well-trained, competent staff is specially trained in caring for all the physical and emotional needs of the seriously overweight patient; which is good to know. They are committed to providing you with the personalized care and attention that you deserve, but also providing you the safest and least invasive weight-loss surgery available! Combine that with our total follow-up care support system, and you've got yourself a perfect deal!


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