Bulls Finish Season, Lose to Heat, When is the Draft?

Well, it's disappointing that the Bulls lost to the Miami Heat. A "team" who really isn't a "team," but a group of semi-superstars who want a championship but hate each other. Dwayne Wade and Shaq are cool, but besides that, there team pisses me off. No seriously, I don't just dislike their team, their team actually pisses me off.
Anyway, it was disappointing, but what's great, is the potential to add some really significant pieces to this team in the upcoming draft, thanks to Isiah Thomas being the worst GM ever and giving us the New York Knicks first round draft pick, as well as the option to switch first round draft picks as 2007. This Bulls teams is only going to get better folks. We may not be the same as the Michael Jordan era, but we will be contenders...and soon.
Isiah Thomas PSA: People of the world. I am now going to actually sell you something that makes sense. Illinois homes. That's right. You should search Illinois homes.
There was a record month for March in home sales in Illinois. The statewide median price is at $199,000. You want to know the craziest part? Total home sales statewide in March outperformed all previous years. They set a new record for the month! This makes is a great time to bu an Illinois home. Total homes sales (which include single-family and condominiums) were up 4.9 percent to 14,907 homes sold. This is compared to the previous record-high 14,207 homes sold in March 2005. You can't argue with these numbers folks.
The New Castle Realty Group specializes in the Chicago and surrounding areas. This includes other hotspots such as Alqonquin, Barrington, Bloomingdale, Naperville, Schaumburg and many more! So check out the New Castle Reality Group. They can help you out, whether you are a first time buyer or experience in real estate investment. With New Castle, you'll get the "right" property and they will help you througout the whole process!
Isiah Thomas PSA #2: If you are anything like me, Isiah Thomas, you know that a car insurance rate is a very important thing, especially if you drive a car. I was reading a report the other day that said GEICO advises auto owners in California to take a close look a the National Insurance Crime Bureau's or NCIB's latest report. California is actually the home of 6 of the top 10 places to get your automobile stolen. Are you kidding me? That sounds like an important thing to remember to me. I started to think to myself, "damn, what can I do?" But then, the report told me. It gave me 11 awesome tips to help reduce my car being stolen! 11 steps! Can you believe it. Here they are:
1) Keep your vehicle locked at all times, even while driving. Close all windows and sunroofs, no matter how hot it is.
2) Never leave your keys in the car.
3) If possible, park in busy, well-lit areas. Thieves prefer to work in the dark. Leave your car in park or in gear with the wheels turned toward the curb or some other obstruction, so thieves won't be able to tow it easily. 4) Avoid leaving valuables inside your vehicle where passersby can see them.
5) Install an anti-theft system in your vehicle if it doesn't have one. A mechanism that locks onto the steering wheel can be a very visible sign that you've taken steps to protect your vehicle. Ignition cut-off systems prevent a car from being started. Some new cars come with passive alarms that activate automatically when the key is removed from the ignition. One system emits a signal that can be tracked by the police. Thieves are reluctant to steal vehicles that can be tracked and recovered quickly. Many insurers offer discounts for these types of systems.
6) Beware of the "bump-and-rob" technique. Carjackers bump your car from the rear, then steal it when you get out to look for damage. When stopped at a traffic light, leave room to maneuver around the vehicle ahead if you need to. If another car bumps yours and you feel threatened, drive to a populated area. If you have a cell phone, call the police for assistance.
7) Do not leave registration or title in the car. Too often a car thief is pulled over and gets away from the police because he or she can produce the auto registration. If multiple drivers use the vehicle, the best suggestion would be to hide the registration in a secret location that only the owners know.
8) Look around. Be aware of your surroundings, especially in garages, parking lots and gas stations.
9) Know where you're going. Avoid known high-crime areas even if the alternate route takes a little longer.
10) If confronted by a carjacker, do not resist. Cars can be replaced; you can't.
11) Have your car's vehicle identification number (VIN) etched on each of the windows. Car thieves want to get off cheap. They don't want to go to the expense of replacing all the glass.
Aren't those some awesome tips? They really help too. I also found out the GEICO provides auto insurance quotes for all 50 states. It really doesn't get any better than that folks. You should check out their online insurance rates and quotes too. It will save you time and money! Awesome!
Isiah Thomas PSA #3:
In other news, has Isiah Thomas has just completed filming a commercial for Ortho Evra.The news isn't all good though folks. Apparently, Parker & Waichman, LLP filed a lawsuit against Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceutical, Inc. on behalf of 33 year-old woman diagnosed with Bilateral Pulmonary Embolism and Deep Venous Thrombosis after she used the Ortho Evra Birth control patch for two months. Yeah, serially, they filed the suit in the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey in Newark, New Jersey.So why would Isiah do a commercial about this stuff? To get the word out. And to get paid. For more information on Ortho Evra you should visit http://www.orthopatchlawsuit.com or http://www.yourlawyer.com/topics/overview/Ortho_Evra_Patch. That is, if you actually want more information on it. .There is more to the story of this woman though. Additional tests on her revealed a deep venous thrombosis of the right popliteal vein extending to the right common femoral vein. Yeah I know, I have no idea what that means either but the woman was admitted to the hospital’s intensive care unit where she received Coumadin and Lovenox treatment and she will likely undergo prolonged treatment with these medications. You need to listen because these medications may be necessary for the remainder of her life.Ortho-McNeil also that admitted for the first time that women who use the patch will be exposed to up to 60% more estrogen than they would be exposed to if they were taking a birth control pill with 35 micrograms of estrogen. This patch was only intended to deliver 20 micrograms of estrogen. What gives? That's what Isiah wants to find out. On top of all of this bad news, recent reports have also indicated that the risk of developing blood clots, pulmonary thromboembolism, heart attack and stroke may be significantly higher with the Ortho Evra patch than with oral contraceptive use. Are you kidding me!?People have alleged that Ortho-McNeil knew about the increased medical risks associated with Ortho Evra before the drug was approved and once it was approved, never warned anybody about the risks. Not cool bros.Here is where things get serious though, after much research, during a 12 month period, 44 serious injuries or deaths have been associated with Ortho Evra. Booiiinnnngggggg! What? Ok, well this Ortho Evra drug was approved by the FDA in November 2001, and over 4 million women have used Ortho Evra since its approval. They continue to market it aggresively. It has to be stopped. Do something about it now. That is all.
Isiah Thomas & His Gold Bullion:
Once upon a time, in a land far way, Isiah Thomas wanted 2 things, for the New York Knicks to become the Rucker Park Knicks, and to Buy Gold Bullion. What is that? Well, sit back kids and listen to the wonder of this tale. It's not a fairy tale though. What do you think Isiah is? A sissy?
So ok, first of all, for those of you that don't know, back in the day, our dollar was actually backed by real silver. It actually stood for something. Like, you could get four gallson of gas for a buck because it was only 25 cents a gallon. It was back then. That long ago. This is why prices have gone up. Things haven't become more expensive, paper green money has become worth less. No, not worthless, just worth less. Investment experts have long-recommend portfolio diversification and that 10% to 20% (and sometimes more) of an investor's assets be devoted to tangible assets such as gold, silver and platinum bullion and bullion coins.There are also many reasons in today's crazy political and economic environment to consider precious metals investing now. I would recommend dealing with Monex who has the experience, expertise and resources to serve almost all of your precious metals investor needs. This has been since 1967 people! They do it with gold, silver, platinum and palladium bullion and bullion coins! Uhhhhhh!!!! Yo, do business with them already!
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