Thursday, June 14, 2007

Deng dunked on Hinrich in practice at Hoops Gym

Can you believe this bit of celebrity sports gossip!? Somebody call Stuart Scott at ESPN! Actually, 2-way him! Now! Luol Deng and Kirk Hinrich were playing ball at Hoops Gym in Chicago, when Deng dunked over Hinrich on a fast break and yelled, that's right, little bitch! Flip Murray style!

Now Hinrich wants to be traded for Kobe.


The Bulls gear up for the draft

The Chicago Bulls are gearing up for the upcoming 2007 NBA Draft by playing a lot of Metal Gear Solid at Luol Deng's house. The whole team (besides coach Scott Skiles who is drinking in Indiana) are camping out at Deng's house until the draft, when they will host a Golf Pros and Tennis Hoes Draft Party. Nope, you aren't invited.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Are you looking for a doctoral degree, online?

Looking for a doctoral degree? Me too.

Let's be honest, unless you are some wannabe gangsta/myspace rapper, you'll need an education. It's a good idea.

Sara Orem. Know who she is by chance? How could you? Well, I'll tell you right now who she is. She is a faculty member at Capella University, which is online. She's a faculty member in the University’s School of Business and Technology. You know what she has done? She has co-authored a book titled ‘Appreciative Coaching: A Positive Process for Change’. Imagine if you will, it's April 20, 2007 and we are in Minneapolis. Sara Orem has just written a book that deals with the recent developments in psychology and organizational development. It suggests that people and organizations flourish when they focus on human ideals, achievements, and best practices. Jossey-Bass decided to publish her book. They use positive questions, mindfulness, and other tools to acknowledge the strengths of individuals...and effect change!She didn't just do it herself though. Her co-authors are so awesome you guys. They are Jacqueline Binkert, PhD, and Ann Clancy, PhD. Radical! What do they have to say about it though? Right here:

“Rather than focusing on individuals in limited or problem-oriented ways, Appreciative Coaching guides the reader through four stages – Discovery, Dream, Design and Destiny – that inspire them to an appreciative and empowering view of themselves and their future,” Orem says.“What we have presented is really a new application of appreciative inquiry.”

Orem adds that the book is written for individual coaches of managers, executives, and “those who do one-on-one work with people who can influence and create change in their organizations.”She dropped mad knowledge on you! What else has the leader Orem done? A ton, man. She is also the principal of her own coaching firm. She's presented great programs in Appreciative Inquiry at the National Organization Development Network...and...wait for it...the International Coach Federation annual conferences. Boom-sha-a-lakah! She represents Oakland, CA. Binkert is representing the position of being an executive coach who specializes in working with leaders and teams during times of change. Clancy is president of Clancy Consultants and has worked with community organizations, large corporations, and also, federal agencies.

Want to know more about Capella University? They were founded in 1993. They are accredited! They offer graduate degree programs in business, information technology, education, human services, and psychology. Not to mention Bachelor programs in business and information technology. They have 82 graduate programs and undergrad specifics and 16 certificate programs within all of that! They have 17,900 students from all 50 states and 56 countries. Awesome! Check them out. Their headquarters are in Minneapolis, Minnesota. That's the state where they filmed Fargo. They are also a member of the NCA (North Central Association of Colleges and Schools).

Wocca Wocca

Como? Huh? What? Whatever happened to customer service? The Bulls haven't once returned my calls or e-mails since the season ended. And I freakin' bought a t-shirt and attended 3 games this season. What the crap!? Oh what dude! Go Bulls! (See, no matter what, I'm still a fan.)

The Bulls' season may be over...

But it's not over. (I know that I just said it's over, but it's not.) It never ends. The offseason is just as much fun as the onseason, folks. The draft is coming, and the Bulls have the 9th pick. If that isn't awesome, I don't know what is. They might even get that Joakim Noah dude. Dude, that would be dudical.